Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wednesday "Friends"
I was surprised and thrilled to hear from another good friend from Tennessee today, Pastor Stephen Kimery. Through the Ministry of 'Crossroads Assembly' church, much of my past hurt was released and turned over to Jesus. I became a part of a family of God, who ran to their 'Daddy" with thanks giving and tears. Who encouraged us to seek Him out at all times and to know we were accepted and cherished no matter what.
Another friend is my dearest Nancy who lives back in the woods among the deer and squirrels in Tennessee. We keep in regular contact, sharing our joys and sorrows through letters and phone calls. I miss our prayer times together sitting in the rocking chairs on Nancy's front porch. But we pray over the phone together and petition to the Lord for each others needs.
By being a part of Christ we as Christians are always a united part of each other.
John 15:13 states, "Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his brother.
Ideas for Indoor Play?
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday "A Spiritual Place."
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Name change
Sunday "This is the Lords Day"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Beginning Letter Sounds: Letter H cards
Saturday "We are Australian"
and enjoy the experience.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Saturday "We are Australian"
Little is known overseas about my country Australia. While living in Tennessee I had the priviledge of being asked to speak twice about where I originated at Rogersville City School. I was asked, How long I had spoken English, and if we had church's in Australia and, what were they? Were they Christian?
My own husband told everyone prior coming to Australia that we were very backward. Yet since his first visit he wanted to return and live here. Why? he enjoyed the friendships, the casual lifestyle and the climate. But I have to add, he does miss cornbread, the different bacon and chili beans.
Me, I miss my church friends from Crossroads Church, with the wonderful sermons and the singing. I especially miss my best friend and fellow nurse, Nancy. I miss my mates, the other nurses and staff at Amedisys Home Health and my nursing partner Phyllis, who could out laugh me.
Don't talk about the food, I MISS IT ALL... I miss "Fatz" and "Cheddars"... and the wonderful Blizzards at "Dairy Queen!" Where's the next plane back!!
Saturday "Empty Nest"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday "Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave when First we Practice to Decieve."
Someone who is very close to me has lied straight to my face on a few occassionals lately, and it hurts very much. Lying destroys trust and when there is no trust the relationship begins to crumble until all there is left is dust. Nothing worthwhile is worth a lie. Have I ever lied....yes, I am guilty, but, never to take away someones faith in me... to me intergrity is the essence of a strong foundation, and a strong foundation is what holds a relationship together.
I was speaking to my son today about the most beautiful relationship I have ever witnessed in my life. It was between an Italian couple in their seventies Sandrina and Marcello. They lived across the road from us in a rural community. When you spoke to one, they spoke back always reflecting the other, in the conversation. I never ever heard a mean word escape their lips, either about family of friends. People like that are a true salute to life. They are a blessing from, and to, God their creator. Marcello died one morning. He simply fell down dead outside in the garden. Sandrina found him. She literally mourned herself into her grave not long after. Such was her anguish because her beloved soul mate and partner for life was no longer with her..
I dedicate this poem of mine to them: BELOVED ONE
Love comes softly like a bird, on feathered wings and golden words. Harped angelic melodies, fill the skies unbounding end. When lovers join as one, their entwining spirits blend.
Goodnight Sandrina, Goodnight Marcello.... until we meet again.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Our Train Lapbooks
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wednesday "God knows us better than we know ourselves"
Waiting is a difficult process, one that is never enjoyed especially when a desired outcome requires patience. I sent my book into the publisher when they were requesting new ones for review. Then suddenly they stated, "no more, we have enough," and cut off their intake. Now I am left wondering? did my work make it in? or, after waiting the prescribed six months will I have waited in vane? I certainly hope not. Yet, nothing worth while in life comes easily.
What should my outlook be?
Perhaps, "good things come to those who wait."
One thing that has just come to mind is the Bible verse: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God."
What a wonderful verse. How great is my God that he knows my needs and answers with the memory of a verse to sustain and calm the confusion within. How can anyone rely on their own understanding when God, who is above all, is always ready to supply....
Tuesday "Autumn Years"
Tuesday "The Autumn Years"
Getting thrown into working in the Emergency Department at Redcliffe Hospital for the first time was an unexpected terror. Yet from the first day, I loved the adrenalin rush. So I went on to complete a three months contract with them before moving residence further north to Caloundra and going to work in Nambour Emergency yet still under Queensland Health. The fast track was my forte and kept my feet on the run. Picking up a few casual shifts with Caloundra, E.D. I commenced working for them which was great as it was closer to home. I secured my Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support training while there which has stood me in good stead for advanced care and critical thinking. Next was America and after having to complete my Boards Examination I was now considered a B.S.N. and commenced working in the local hospital.... Australian Nurses all need to work oversea's to realise how great they have it here. I disliked it intently and left to work for Amedysis Home Health. Loved the nursing, but not the endless paper work. We have our secretaries do that over here. BUT, I loved the staff!! and hope to always keep in touch with those great girls. So the Autumn years are finally here and now I may please myself.... and my God.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day Trains
Monday "A Quiet Day"
I read to-day on another Blog where the person described Blogging as similar to Schizophrenia, stating that you talk to yourself in your head. Not so.... with Schizophrenia you have a fixed faulse belief that another resides in your head and you converse with them......
It's interesting to write down your thoughts, and yes, with time we all look back on what's been written wondering how on earth we could have said what we have! Yes the human mind is an interesting phenomenon.
I would like to Salute a Godly Man.
I didn't get the opportunity to meet Pro Hart in person yet his art and his life continue to speak beyond the grave. I chanced to visit his gallery at Broken Hill in Outback N.S.W. and was humbled by this extrodinary man's interesting life. When once asked how he decided what to paint he answered. "I just paint as the Lord directs." He became a wealthy man, and travelled the world for his exhibitions. Many famous people brought his paintings and yet he remained a simple minded carefree man. Free of the cumbersome burdens that pertain to riches. God and family came first and through his philosophy he left a legacy of love to his family.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sunday, "Worship the King"
To partake with a reminiscing thankful and grateful heart.....is a blessing not to be taken for granted. Yes, I have at times been guilty of accepting the bread and the wine without enough gratiude. Ones mind must remain focused on the face of Jesus the saviour.
Talking about gratitude. Where would be be without our families?
My son Lee-Joel came for a short visit and assisted me in obtaining my first Blog site...this one.
Granddaughter Kirra, preached her first sermon to the youth at her church,"History Makers."
I have yet to hear that she uses her beautiful voice to sing in church. Kirra visited Uganda and helped with the orphaned babies last year. God bless you Kirra.