Thursday, September 30, 2010

Swagman in Sepia

"Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong

Under the shade of a coolabah tree,
And he sang as he watched and waited 'til his billy boiled
You'll come a-Waltzing Matilda, with me"
This song is sung by an Australian, almost as the National Anthem

The words to this bush ballad, were written by the famous Australian poet Banjo Patterson in 1895. They originated from a real life story of an event that happened at a sheep station called Dagworth near Winton in Queensland the year before.
Some shearers went on strike, setting the wool shed on fire and killing many of the sheep. One of these men ran away rather than be captured.
He killed himself at the Combo waterhole, after being followed by the station owner and police.

A Swag is a bedroll.
Matilda is the affectionate name given to the swag by the Swaggy.
Waltzing, was how the swaggy referred to walking along with his swag tied with a string on both ends, so it hugged his body like a dancer.
A Swaggy or Swagman is a homeless wanderer. A man who roamed Australia working for a meal and sometimes a place to sleep.
A Billabong is a waterhole
A billy is a tin pot used to boil water for a cup of hot tea.

As a little girl if I spotted a swaggy approaching from over the hill near our farm I'd run to tell my mother. Our home was closer to the road than most and seemed to entice them in. Mum took advantage of the help by getting a pile of wood chopped. While they did this she fixed a tray of good food to eat.
Later, the man sat on our garden bench under eucalyptus trees at the side of the house.  While he rested and enjoyed his food, I sat close by and watched.
I don't remember any conversation accept when my mother came out to make sure he had enough. I remember the heavy leather boots and rough material of his trousers. I haven't seen one for years, but they live on in our songs. 

Most walked, but the one in this photo, had a bike.

"For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to to his life?" 
Matthew 6:25

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

October Reading Lists

During the past several weeks I have been looking at books to add to our reading book lists for the months of October to November. I like to look for books that are age appropriate as well as those that can be used for our unit studies.Through the years, we have found some good book reads on different themes and some interesting books during our participation with Natalie@ Mouse grows Mouse

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

NUN Too Many (The funniest thing I have seen lately)

I have received a challenge from Peggy at
For, The Funniest Thing I Have seen lately.

Actually, it is not lately, but I reminisced on this, having a good laugh with a friend yesterday.

NUN Too Many
While studying at the Australian Catholic University I was sent on assignement to work in a Catholic Hospital in far north Queensland.
My mentor at the time was a much younger obnoxious nurse who bullied everyone, including the doctors.
It was a busy day in Surgery, I had been runner for the first operation and now I was Scrub Nurse.
As time progressed the language from all became more torrid, with swearing, dirty joking and soft laughter. I remained in stunned silence,  intent on the job at hand.
When a lull came in the conversation the Surgeon asked me.
"Well Crystal, how come your from The Catholic University?"
I was momentously lost for words.....
Was I suppose to crack a joke? ...I wasn't sure ?
Then suddenly I blurred out.
Well...... Maybe..... I'm an ex-Nun!
Dead Silence....
There is nothing in the world..... as quiet as silence!
My heart thumped, my face flushed red! and was I ever glad to be wearing a face mask.
I knew I had to own up I was only joking......... I couldn't look at anyone for a moment. And when I finally did, I saw stunned SHOCK!
Time Stood Still!
The faces on that professional staff was the closest I have seen to Fright!
I'd put the fear of God into the lot of them.

The obnoxious R.N. was the first to recover....
"Oh Crystal, I'm so sorry for anything I have said or done wrong, please forgive me!" she flustered.
The other four staff also began to appologise for their language and crude jokes.
"I'm a Catholic," one stammered.
"I go to church," admitted another..
I smiled to myself....God has a sense of humour, so who was I to disallusion?
So I kept the secret to myself, and life in Surgery, while I was present, became more pleasant in the future.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm19:14)


Embrassed in The Word

This picture by Laurie Thompson has been wonderfully portrayed.
I imagine my own self being embrassed here.
Jesus IS the Word of God... who reaches out to each one of us, to wrap us in His tender love.
How can that be? Some may ask.....what of all the horror in the world?
Why do we have illness and disappointments, war and calamity?

THANK GOD!!! He didn't make robots, but gave us all, a free will.
In that free will we walk our own walk and make our own choices...
ACCEPT, when we constantly place ourselves before him, and ask Him to take over.
Some of OUR wrong choices.
Choices of what to eat, even though it may make us ill.
Choices of driving recklessly. even though we kill.
Choices to be selfish or condemn others, so we have no friends.
Choices to lie, steal, rape, molest, cheat and destroy ourselves.  

When working as a professional health carer I always began each day on my way to work, using a prayer from His Word.

You may well ask why I chose this particular verse.
So lets look at what it says.....

"Let the WORDS of my mouth."
Our words effect others, for good or bad.
We hold a powerful tool in the shape of our tongue.
This tool can have a will of its own and speak out of can speak with pomp, it can speak in spite and pride, OR it can speak in humility...
There is life and death to the listener, in the power of the tongue.
So, it is best to keep it under control at all times.
It is best to THINK before you speak...
To encourage and lift up the listener, instead of caste down.
And if someone is rude to you...
Nothing said in return, speaks a thousand words.

"And the Meditation of my heart."
My words may say one thing, while my face reflects another....
Imagine me saying to a patient, " You are looking so much better today."
While my face looks on in horror,  mirroring.... I don't believe my own words.

"Be acceptable in thy sight Oh Lord."
If Jesus was standing right beside me when I opened my mouth, would He be glad, or would I make Him sad? 
I desire that what proceeds out of my mouth, brings a reflection of who I am in Him...."My Rock and My Redeemer."

For without Him,
I mess up,
and I am nothing.......

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Post-American Presidency

Presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama promised a post-partisan, post-racial presidency if elected. What the voters got was a third type of "post", one for which they clearly didn't bargain for. A new book, The Post-American Presidency by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer argues that Obama's every move bespeaks a call to an old Soviet-style internationalism at the expense of his own country.

This book details Obama's radical roots, which the socialist press ignored, his consistent attempts to denigrate and degrade the U.S. as a super power and his uneasy ties to anti-Semitism. It's an exhaustive book, using the political record and encapsulates a President who hid his true self during the election campaign. He and his team purposely hid a gaggle of his personal records as well as academic and senatorial writings.

Obama's radicalism started long before he took the oath of office as a newly elected Illinios Senator. His anti-colonialist Kenyan father asserted a philosophy that demanded weak countries be strengthened at the expense of the strong. This is why Barack supported a Global Poverty Act that would've tied U.S. foreign aid to the UN's whim. "This is not your run-of-the-mill Marxiam. This would have been a redistribution of wealth on a global scale." say the authors. Obama's indoctrination into far-left precincts is covered in detail. We meet his associates, a rogues gallery of anti-American leftists,Communists and ratbag radicals who chummed around with Obama for decades (also outlined in a pre-election book entitled The Truth about Obama, ignored by the besotted public and ass-kissing press corps). None of these scum ever believed in the obvious truth of American Exceptionalism.

One can simply start with his Marxist mother and uncle, which Obama once called, "the dominant figures in my formative years." The stance toward Israel stems from his affection for race-driven philosophers and directly with his time (20 years) in the Rev Jermiah Wright's hate-filled church. Not only hearing over and over, "God Damn America!" but getting married there and having his spawn baptised there. All the while the media did their best to downplay Obama's radical ties.

Obama's stance toward Iran, a rogue regime building its own nuclear program, falls right in line with his inability to use American force, even soft power, in an effective manner. When many Iranian people rose up against their country's crooked elections, Obama said next to nothing to support them. The mullahs laughed, slaughtered some of the protesters, jailed many more and refueled their nuclear ambitions. "Iran is clearly emboldened by Barack's weakness, at the worst possible time for it to be emboldened," they write. "Obama believed that simply by showing the Iranians some love, he could persuade them to drop their genocidal bellicosity and join the ranks of the free, peace-loving nations." NOT!

The Way I See It....this President often leans on hard, cold fiction to support his naive international bent. He recast American history to let Islam take a greater part in it while the suppliant media remained silent. When the facts proved without a doubt that the Fort Hood Muslim shooter was motivated by radical Islam he couldn't bring himself or his administration to admit that reality to the American people. His weakness to the Islamic threat matters. Just consider the spate of attempted terrorist attacks in the past year a sign that the jihadist's see Americans, from their President down, as unsure of themselves. This no-holds barred informative book spells out Obama's radicalism in black and white for all to see....and fear. Let's hope he becomes a one term President like that equally vacillating dead-shit Jimmy Carter!

Week in Review: Slow and Steady (week 5)

September 20th to 25thLittle by little we are getting our bearings and I feel like the boys are slowly getting into a routine. It may have taken awhile but the boys are getting accustom to our schedule.
One thing that I am happy about is we now have a early bedtime and no one is fussing about it. The boys are getting to bed at a much earlier time and getting up at a descent hour.

We decided for

A Love Story

She was a beautiful girl and a delight to his ever watchful eyes. These now roamed over her lithe young body. She was modestly clad in a cream linen robe that enhanced the tawny eyes and rich chestnut platted hair hanging over her shoulder. Catching his look she smiled then lowered her gaze to hide the flush of colour rising to stain both cheeks..
She was new to this town, and prepared as any stranger to be the center of attention. Women watched as she walked by, cupping hands over mouths as they gossiped in wonder.
"How could Naomi dare to bring that Moabite pagan here?"
The man looking on, stroking his beard in contemplation.
His thoughts wandered down a different direction.
"Ah, if only I were a little younger, what a pleasure it would be to ask for her hand....I am a relative of her mother-in-law after all."
His whisper soared Heaven bound to the ear of the Father. While his watchful eyes scanned sunlight skies.

The Story Of Ruth.
A love story, a Bible story, rich in devotion, loyalty and love. 
It may be a little different to the one that I have portrayed here, but one needs an imagination to SEE, the richness of God's beautiful Word.

For instance, how old was Ruth. She was a wife to her first husband for approximately ten years. So perhaps she was about twenty eight.
Boaz we are led to believe was much older, but how old?
I'd like to think he was younger than Ruth's mother-in-law Naomi.
So I place him as perhaps forty five, with Naomi closer to fifty.
Not that old, in this day and age.  

He was a man of integrity, upstanding, kind, considerate and gentle.

I love this story because it shows true unselfish compassion and consideration. 
It also shows Gods reward to those who strive to do what is right. 
Against all odds, two lonely women, from different backgrounds, cling together in mutual respect and love.
Because of their loyalty to one another, God blesses them beyond all expectations. 
Down through the ages, the linage of Jesus Christ can be traced back to the woman called Ruth.   

Read the Story of Ruth in "The Book of Ruth" in the Bible.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Delta Airlines Flight 191

            On August 2, 1985, Delta Airlines Flight 191, carrying 167 people was tragically involved in a downburst.  Travelling from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, to Los Angeles, CA, the flight had a scheduled stop in Dallas, Texas.  On approach, the captain of Flight 191 recognized thunderstorms forming over Louisiana and redirected the flight as to avoid turbulent weather.  However, there was also poor weather in and around Dallas and an isolated thunderstorm had formed very close to the airport.  The first sign of trouble was the First Captain noticing lightning in some clouds they were approaching.  At 800 feet above ground level, the airspeed increased without crew intervention.  The captain ordered the first captain to increase speed and altitude to try to compensate, however the force of the micro-burst was entirely more than the plane could handle.  As the pilots lost control, the plane was forced into a field very close to the runway, and then bounced back into the air. It landed on a very busy highway, killing an oncoming motorist and 136 of the 167 members on board Flight 191. This ranks as one of the most lethal airplane accidents in history.
                I find this story rather amazing.  It is extremely scary, and may change my idea of flying from now on. However, more than anything I’m struck by the fact that it was such a freak accident. Very specific things have to happen for a micro-burst to occur, so for this particular plane to get caught and demolished in the process, can’t be a coincidence.  I’m sure no one on Flight 191 thought August 2 would be there last day to live, nor that the motorist that crashed into the plane on the highway thought it would be his. Yet 136 people lost their lives in entirely freak occurrence events and unpreventable weather forces.  I realize that they have developed more sophisticated wind detecting radars since this incident, but it is still frightening to think that now airplanes just go around micro-bursts if they occur.  This still seems very dangerous to even toy with flying in potential micro-bursts because of their awesome power. 

Article Link:

Looking Back to our First Nature Walk years ago

Before we started using Nature Studies as part of our Science curriculum, we always enjoy taking Nature walks in our area. My oldest son enjoyed the outdoors even then. Inspired by the beauty of the flowers. my husband and son ventured out back in the Spring of 2003.I came across the photos taken then. It brought a smile to my face seeing my first born son love Nature and enjoy gathering items

A Memory for Sepia Saturday

I love reading all the nostalgia on the Sepia Saturday posts so here is one of my own.

I vividly remember the day I turned five years old.

 It was three days before Christmas and my mother took me shopping on the bus to the nearest town, seven miles away.
I always thought it such a long way. Three buses ran every day accept Sunday. It took half an hour to get there. Having a birthday so close to Christmas meant it was lost in all the other preparations, but mother brought me a shop cake to share with the family that day. I felt so grown up and proud.

The new year of school begins in late January in Australia, following 6 weeks of Christmas holidays over the summer.  The photo above is of the school I attended.
It was only a two room two teacher school with approximately twenty students ranging in age from five to twelve years.
The building in the foreground of timber floors and walls with tin roof was all there was then.
It was raining the day I enrolled and kept up a steady downfall until the school yard was a flowing muddy mess from the deluge.
All the kindergarten children remained on the veranda talking shyly together as our mothers completed our registrations.
One of the boys, by the name of Peter, sidled up to me and whispered,
"It's the end of the world you know, we'll never see our home again." 
Of course I believed him, and began to cry, I felt so terrified.
My older sister came out with her class for recess and seeing my distress came to find out why?  
She hugged me listening patiently between the tears.
Gently she reminded me of Noah and the Ark and Gods promise of the rainbow to show He would never flood the earth again.
That Peter stood back smiling and as the years passed I realised what a tormentor that naughty child was.
Because it was a country school we wore no uniform and very few children wore shoes to school. They were kept for special times like Sunday School.

I attended an all Girls High School and am picture here on the left in school uniform. The girl behind me on the right was not in uniform that day?

The one thing I am eternally grateful for is learning about God's love at a very young age.

“I tell you the truth. You must accept the kingdom of God like a little child accepts things, or you will never enter it." (Mark 10:15)


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nature Study: Signs of Autumn

This week with a small break from the rain, we embarked on our first Fall walk outdoors. It was party sunny as we took a walk down our street and enjoyed the cool breeze.

We noticed some cumulus clouds overhead and some darker cumulus clouds not far so we knew that it was not long before it would rain. My oldest son was able to identify the clouds using the Field guide Cloud cards I made for him

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Scripture is God talking to us.
So its not to be taken lightly...
Read it slowly, contemplate on the Words.
Visualise in your mind the meaning of what is expressed.
Know, that this is truth...
Then chose your path.

Blessed is the man/woman
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.

 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

What my children are reading Sept. 13 to 18

We completed our fourth week of homeschooling but it was a light week. The boys were both sick and we were unable to make it to the public library but I had some recent books in our own personal collection that we had not read.With the boys laying in bed and having plenty of Mommy’s homemade Chicken soup we read some wonderful books that told stories about families and the love they share.BOOKS

God In Us...

Coming before the throne of God in adoration and worship
Fills our very being with a sanctification of who we are in Him
Just standing in His awesome presence and allowing His love flow back and forth, is so wondrous....

Yet I feel so small in those times.
And so unworthy.
My heart cries out, Abba Father, help me to remain steadfast,
Strengthen me so that I never let go of your promise.
Shine in and through me...

John 15:1-5 
The Vine and the Branches
"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.
Remain in me, and I will remain in you.
No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.
Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
"I am the vine; you are the branches.
If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Greater Relief Efforts Still Needed in Pakistan


               In the last week, the United Nations requested a record 2 billion dollars for further emergency relief efforts.  Haiti, the last record holder, only solicited 1.5 billion.  This massive relief effort comes from the displacement of over 20 million Pakistani people that were left homeless after the flooding.  Although less than two thousand people have died as a result of the flooding, the dangers for epidemics and malnutrition are rampant.  The new appeal for 2 billion dollars includes the previously supplied funds originally sought of 460 million dollars.  There is a desperate need to set up medical relief camps, reestablish agriculture establishments, and provide sanitary drinking water.  Diseases have already been spreading rapidly, due to the lack of unclean water, and will continue to take over unless there is strong intervention.  These efforts are extremely costly and dangerous however, as flooding continues to sweep across the nation.  Approximately 1.9 million homes have been destroyed by the flooding along with thousands of farms and businesses causing many to be completely dependent on aid, possibly through 2012. Although commitments for funding have been made and some fulfilled, much is still needed to help Pakistan to get back on its feet.
              This article makes me wonder what the meteorological explanation is as to why the flooding has continued over Pakistan for such a long time. I also wonder why there hasn’t been such extensive damage like this before if it is caused by climate or location issues. I think due to the continuing circumstances in Pakistan, these storms that have caused the flooding must not have been adequately predicted by weather professionals or they might have been able to evacuate some of the people from the storm path. Whatever the reasons or causes for the storm and whether or not they were preventable really doesn’t matter at this point, so long as efforts are made to recover from the damage. 

Article Link: