Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Embrassed in The Word

This picture by Laurie Thompson has been wonderfully portrayed.
I imagine my own self being embrassed here.
Jesus IS the Word of God... who reaches out to each one of us, to wrap us in His tender love.
How can that be? Some may ask.....what of all the horror in the world?
Why do we have illness and disappointments, war and calamity?

THANK GOD!!! He didn't make robots, but gave us all, a free will.
In that free will we walk our own walk and make our own choices...
ACCEPT, when we constantly place ourselves before him, and ask Him to take over.
Some of OUR wrong choices.
Choices of what to eat, even though it may make us ill.
Choices of driving recklessly. even though we kill.
Choices to be selfish or condemn others, so we have no friends.
Choices to lie, steal, rape, molest, cheat and destroy ourselves.  

When working as a professional health carer I always began each day on my way to work, using a prayer from His Word.

You may well ask why I chose this particular verse.
So lets look at what it says.....

"Let the WORDS of my mouth."
Our words effect others, for good or bad.
We hold a powerful tool in the shape of our tongue.
This tool can have a will of its own and speak out of reason...it can speak with pomp, it can speak in spite and pride, OR it can speak in humility...
There is life and death to the listener, in the power of the tongue.
So, it is best to keep it under control at all times.
It is best to THINK before you speak...
To encourage and lift up the listener, instead of caste down.
And if someone is rude to you...
Nothing said in return, speaks a thousand words.

"And the Meditation of my heart."
My words may say one thing, while my face reflects another....
Imagine me saying to a patient, " You are looking so much better today."
While my face looks on in horror,  mirroring.... I don't believe my own words.

"Be acceptable in thy sight Oh Lord."
If Jesus was standing right beside me when I opened my mouth, would He be glad, or would I make Him sad? 
I desire that what proceeds out of my mouth, brings a reflection of who I am in Him...."My Rock and My Redeemer."

For without Him,
I mess up,
and I am nothing.......

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