Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"TESTIMONY" Lon's Story

As you all know.
We defeat the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of our Testimony.
Revelation 12:11

A comment to me from Lon in return on a mental health story.

Lon writes,

"I just have to share!!!

My wife and I went to a couple of secondhand bookstores in search of this book, for I told her, "I have to find this book!"

The first bookstore we went to, the man who worked there tried to look it up, and said, "I'm sorry, but we don't have it."

So then my wife said to me, "Let's go to the other secondhand bookstore down the block."

Going in, I handed the man who worked there a piece of paper that had the name of this book written on it, and he said, something like, "Just a moment . . . I'll go get it for you."

I have only scratched the surface of this book, for I am only into the fourth chapter, and already my wife and others said they have seen a HUGE difference in me!!!

The other day I was talking to a person on the phone, and they said something like, "You don't even sound like the Lon . . . I used to know!"

Then when I was conversing with another person on the phone, they said, "I have hoped for this for so long . . . I just can't believe the difference in you!"

Once again I thank you so very much for sharing this post about this book!!!
God Bless,


The Book recommended was:

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