Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Great Barrier Reef

                 One of the goals on my “bucket list” is to scuba dive or snorkel in the Great Barrier Reef.  So I’ve decided to do some research to help peak my interest.  The Great Barrier Reef is considered to be one of the seven wonders of the natural world and it is the only living thing that is visible from outer space. The Great Barrier Reef covers an area greater than that of the Great Wall of China, spanning over 1,800 miles almost parallel to the coast of Queensland, Australia.  The reef possesses the greatest array of coral in the entire ocean, more than 400 different species.  Not only is the Great Barrier Reef home to vast amounts of coral, it also is a domicile for dolphins, sponges, and over 1,500 species of tropical fish.  Divers will never tire of the endless opportunities to view tropical corals, fish, and other animals, including the 120 year old giant clams.
                Several factors threaten the livelihood of the Great Barrier Reef.  Elevated ocean temperatures resulting from climate change cause a bleaching effect on the coral systems.  The increasing in temperature causes the algae that live in the coral to be expelled exposing the corals’ limestone skeleton. The climate change can have massive ramifications for the corals’ ecosystem affecting all of its ecology.  Pollution is also another key threat to the reef. The declining water quality is caused by water runoff from farms that compromise the makeup of the ocean water. Overfishing, disrupting the fragile ecosystem, and shipping industries, also threaten the longevity of the Great Barrier Reef.
                The reef also has cultural and religious meaning to many tribes that live around it.  The Australian aborigines and the Torres Strait Islander people have been living in the area for thousands of years, making their livelihood and cultural traditions amongst the reef.  The reef is also a historical marker for many shipwrecks and pre-modern explorers.  In the last thirty to forty years, great strides have been made by the Australian government to create laws preserving and protecting the Great Barrier Reef. One source states that, “the Australian Parliament passed the Environment Protect and Biodiversity Conservation Act which improved the operation of national environmental law by providing guidance about regional biodiversity conservation priorities.”  This law has made significant progress in reducing pollution and shipping damages to the reef as well as protecting species that are already endangered.
                The Great Barrier Reef has always been a fascinating aspect of oceanography to me.  From the vast array of sea life to the less obvious living creatures like the coral and the sponges, the coral reef seems like a foreign world to someone who grew up in the central United States.  Even though I live thousands of miles aware from the reef, I see the value in oceanic conservation efforts and the need to preserve one the Earth’s most incredible natural beauties. Legislation and societal awareness could be very beneficial in keeping the reef intact, as already displayed by the Environment Protect and Biodiversity Conservation Act passed in 1999. Though I don’t live in Australia, have not ever been, and may not ever have the opportunity to go, I still appreciate the mysterious wonders of the reef and care strongly to see it taken care of for future generations to enjoy.

 Links to Resources:
 National Geographic Barrier Reef
Wikipedia- Great Barrier Reef

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