Monday, March 7, 2011


I have always said, Friends are like Flowers, they are a sweet perfume in our life...   
My friend Starry Dawn has Blogged a poem about this.
I don't know how to link up, accept to put her address on here.

One of my Ozzie friends is moving away to the Outback...
Far away to a mining town in remote north Queensland.
So this morning we got together with her, for the last time.

Our destination was a place back through time.
Gunabul Homestead was built in 1855 by a local lawyer.

Parking the car, you walk through shady century old tree's..

 The ladies opted to sit outdoors on the open veranda and enjoy the tranquility.
The ceilings must be 20ft high, which helps with the tropical heat.

We were welcomed by our Hostess, Nola.

Looking around inside is a photo of the Homestead in its heyday.
Together with the first owners, Francis and Elizabeth Power.
I am sure they'd never imagine their home would become a treasured meeting place in the future.

Friendship as part of the Body of Christ has drawn us together from different denominations.  

                    We had a wonderful time sharing and laughing together.
Our photos will keep the time alive forever.
Sharon and I.

Proverbs 27:9 
"Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
                              and the pleasantness of a friend
                              springs from their heartfelt advice."

Sharon, I love you!
As the older woman of our little band, I give you the Hebrew blessing.

"May The Lord bless you and keep you.

May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious unto you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.  Always. Amen." xxxx

God Bless all friends.

The sunburned country that Sharon will make her home.


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