Thursday, March 10, 2011

Princess of the King

Once upon a time there lived a sweet young girl who met the Prince of her dreams.

She was clever in mind but shy in spirit.
Her parents were very strict religious folk and she was not allowed to do many things.
 No make-up.
No movies.
No dancing.
    No boyfriends.
So when she met A, she fell deeply in love and kept him a secret.
Eventually her parents found out.
Her father was against her Prince.
He was not a believer, and, he was 14yrs her senior.

The Prince and Princess, are my parents.
My father passed to Glory almost 30yrs ago.
My mother turns 93yrs shortly.
They divorced when I was 8yrs...
This was a terrible disgraced in those days.
It hurt us all very much.
My father was a soldier in the second World War.
He came home a changed man and rarely spoke of the experience.
He served in the Middle East and after returning from there was sent to New Guinea and the Kokoda Trail.
He suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 

Two sisters and a brother were born prior the war.
I and my brother were born after.
I am the baby in arms.

Crystal with Mummy.

My mother has always been a very strong woman, she's had to be. 
Last week my husband and I travelled down to meet up with my family. Mum has recently made the transition into a Nursing Home. She turns 93yrs on the 23rd of this month. She is legally blind and requires 24/7 care.
With mixed feelings we have needed to go through her belongings. I am keeping her treasured writing desk, it is over 60yrs old. Inside the desk I discovered a few photo negatives. The photo above is one of these.. For me, it is a rare treasure.

Where are we going in life, and what impact will we leave??
Mum gave all her children security and stability.
She also gave us a faith in Jesus Christ...the only Savour to give His life for His people.

Mum's new home is "The Abbey" situated on the southern highlands of New South Wales. It's a long way from me, yet close to my elder sister.
It is a peaceful place sitting on the side of a hill and with views over many more.

                        A bell greets:

                                  And Saint Frances welcomes:

My mother last week..
                       My heart mind and thoughts are continually with her.

 Psalm 139
God's Word read's for my mother.

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be."

God Loves My Mother, (as He does us)
She was not perfect, as none of us are.
But, she Is Important To Him.
And she Is Never Forgotten.
She waits for the day when she meets Him, face to face.

Mum's favourite flower.
The dessert pea, found Outback.

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