Monday, February 28, 2011

Be Transformed

Nature is so natural....
                                                 Yellow crested cockatoo..

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--
His good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans" 12:2

I awoke this morning with the above verse.
And wondered why??
Am I too worldly?
I suppose in many ways, we all are to some extent.

Reading this verse through and contemplating further,
I can't help but realise, that even two thousand years ago,
this was an issue!!!

Man has never been content!
There is always a seeking for what is considered the best.
The most authentic!

I am no different to anyone else.
Last night I went to bed desiring certain changes in my life.
How selfish is that???
After all, if I trust in the Lord with all my heart, then I know, my life is how God Will's it to be.
If I want to complain in my heart,
then I am saying to God,
"I don't like the way you do things."

When I look deeply within myself,
 Am I wanting to conform to the ways of the world???
 Always have a tidy home and everything perfect.
Can I allow myself to be transformed to the Perfect Will of God??

What is that Will??

2 Peter 3, says "God desires that none should perish."

He also desires we "build up treasure in Heaven, not on earth."

On our news last night they showed the fashions of the women attending the Oscar's.
The emphasis was on walking the red carpet, posing, camera's flashing, and who looked the best.
Such a lot of pomp and glamour.
And, just for one night?

What are your priorities?
Are you a God pleaser or a man pleaser??
I believe we all need to search our heart on this.

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