Monday, February 21, 2011


In case you haven't noticed,
I have began a Health Issues Blog.->->->->->->->->->->

After reading many other Blogs and realising how little people know to help themselves, I decided to ASSIST!

Once you are sick, health care costs in time, money and stress.

Preventative treatment will help alleviate much of this.

If a posting helps, print it out and keep it for future reference. 

My first two postings (so far)....there will be many more.

 Are simple and test effective. 
1.  Magnesium, it is invaluable!!                          
2. Water worth more than gold. 

On Right Side Bar....Great  "HELP WIDGETS":

A Course of Miracles:
Encouragement for daily living and a foundation for inner peace..... 
Wellness Tip of the Day.                                                              
For exercise, Healthy cooking and eating,
for Quit smoking.

and Weight Loss...

Stress Interpretation:
How stressed are you??
Subjects discussed: Do you work too much?
Suffer from insomnia?
Serious illness or Injury.
or Sex Difficulties???

Check out Skin Conditions.

A Brain Tester I.Q. Test.

*Widgets for Children*

Let the children help with cooking and learning about nutrition.
Healthy Foods Tips...
Teaching Children
Grades 4-5
Reading tip of the Day.
Daily Language and Art.

Crystal Mary's Tip: When children play sports and exercise they are stimulating the right and left hand sides of the brain. 
This help's with co-ordination as well as learning.
Help your child to help themselves.  

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