Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Family Time

My hubby is back in Tennessee visiting his beautiful grandchildren. Lauren, Allyson and Isaac.
They love their Papaw Ray.

I remain in Oz this time and enjoyed mine.
They came to spend a few days with Nan, 
and made me feel alive and young again.
Brody and Elyshah dressed in uniform for school.

Then I took time to drive one hour away and spend a couple of days with my elder daughter Femia.
She has a contemporary Queenslander home.
With light coloured walls and roof to protect from the heat. 

The front entry welcomes with Christian decor.

Husband David relaxes with a coffee while he contemplates his next business task.

My daughter Femia works on her photography.

I take a stroll out to the swimming pool. 
I hoped to spot my grandsons pet water dragon.
But he is hiding.

I walk down the path towards the back of the house.
But see nothing.

I look everywhere before sighting him.

Yes you guessed right...sunbathing near the pool.
Grandson Luke loves reptiles and found this one on the wall at the local shops..

 Luke dressed in school uniform.
If he could take his dragon with him, he would.

                 He's another Steve Irwin.

Life is not perfect yet we should always see the positive,
 and be thankful.
Femia and I spent much time, coming before the Lord and worshiping Him with Praise.
I am so thankful, to have two beautiful Christian daughters who enjoy to praise the Lord with me.  


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